
Nonprofit Industry

Good partners make all the difference in the world

RaizerFund partners with companies that provide marketing, fundraising strategy, and other consultative support services to nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofit Industry Partners

America's Char.

Anne Connelly

Arrow Pay.


Cathexis Partners

Community Funded Enterprises

Donately Corporation

Engaging Networks

Friedman LLP

Gail Perry Group

Graham Pelton

High Impact Nonprofit Advisors


LEAD Philanthropy

Link Elevating


M3 Development

Metropulous Group

Mind The Gap


Optimize Con.

Orr Group

Planned Giving Advancement

PRIDE Philanthropy



RoundTable Technology

SilverStreet Fundraising

Supporting World Hope

The Angeletti Group

The Maria

Whole Whale

WIN Advisors

We are welcoming new organizations to partner with RaizerFund

Send us an email to partners@raizerfund.com with your full name, organization name, website url, type of organization and describe what you are looking to achieve with this partnership. We'll reply within 2 business working days.