
Lotus Campaign

Your donation is green! We purchase 2x carbon offsets everytime you donate crypto.

Mission Statement

Lotus Campaign’s mission is to increase the availability of housing for people experiencing homelessness by engaging the private, for-profit real estate and investment sector as a partner in the solution. The scale of homelessness in America is beyond the capacity of the public and nonprofit sectors to address alone. Lotus was founded in 2018 to create pragmatic, housing-driven solutions to homelessness that bring together the for-profit and nonprofit sectors to create sustainable, scalable solutions and lasting impact.

Why Donate Crypto to Lotus Campaign?

Lotus Campaign was founded to reimagine solutions to homelessness. Before launching, we researched existing programs that address homelessness. Yet none offered comprehensive strategies to address a landlord’s potential risks and provided comprehensive services for those at risk of, or currently experiencing, homelessness. Connectivity between different sectors is currently absent from existing solutions. That’s how the Landlord Participation Program (LPP) was born. Today, Lotus provides economic incentives and guarantees to participating landlords, including a payment in lieu of security deposit, application fee, and guarantees for loss of rent and tenant-caused damages, and eviction assistance. Our nonprofit partners provide ongoing support and social services throughout the lease term. In partnership with more than 20 community partners from the real estate, nonprofit, and philanthropic sectors, Lotus Campaign has facilitated housing for more than 370 individuals at an annual cost of less than $1,000 per person in our Charlotte program. As a testament to the lasting impact of this program, 98% of participants have gone on to graduate and pay for their own housing. Building off the success of our first pilot, we are now focused on focused on regional and national scaling.

Website: https://www.lotuscampaign.org/

Save on Your Taxes by Donating Crypto

Why Donate Crypto Directly? Taxes!

There’s a reason high net worth individuals tend to donate property instead of cash. Donating cryptocurrency directly to a 501c3 nonprofit is more tax efficient and can save you money.

The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes which means it is typically the most tax efficient way to support your favorite cause. When donating crypto, you receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the crypto, and you avoid the capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the crypto and then made a donation. That means you’re able to donate more, as well as deduct more on your tax return. The difference? Sometimes more than 30%.

If you provide an email, you will automatically receive a tax receipt after donating.