
SOS Kinderdorf

Your donation is green! We purchase 2x carbon offsets everytime you donate crypto.

Mission Statement

A loving home for every child

Why Donate Crypto to SOS Kinderdorf?

Crypto tokens are establishing themselves right now as alternative payment options. The amount of stores and businesses, who accept crypto currencies, is slowly rising. Vice versa the acceptance of users is also rising and we want to give them an additional option to support children in need. For a non-profit organization transparency is a huge strategic goal. Crypto currencies and blockchain technology are great tools to support this ambition. Our wallets with all in and outgoing transactions are completely transparent to our stakeholders. Eventually in the future, thanks to blockchain technologies, donors are able to track where the transactions are flowing to and for which projects they are used.

Website: https://www.sos-kinderdorf.at/

Save on Your Taxes by Donating Crypto

Why Donate Crypto Directly? Taxes!

There’s a reason high net worth individuals tend to donate property instead of cash. Donating cryptocurrency directly to a 501c3 nonprofit is more tax efficient and can save you money.

The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes which means it is typically the most tax efficient way to support your favorite cause. When donating crypto, you receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the crypto, and you avoid the capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the crypto and then made a donation. That means you’re able to donate more, as well as deduct more on your tax return. The difference? Sometimes more than 30%.

If you provide an email, you will automatically receive a tax receipt after donating.