Support Nonprofits That Address Food & Water Crises Worldwide
Globally, billions of people suffer from lack of access to clean water or inadequate nourishment. For many, chronic hunger is a silent condition that leads to illness and vulnerability, not to mention stunted growth among children. Similarly, communities that rely on contaminated water sources are susceptible to life-threatening diseases that devastate local populations. The two main approaches to solving the global hunger and water crises involve providing emergency relief efforts and building sustainable methods of self-reliant farming. But with increasing natural disasters and climate change, current efforts are not enough to keep the problems from worsening on a global scale.
That’s where your generosity can make a difference. By supporting nonprofits that provide tools and training to increase farm production at the local level, help malnourished children access safe drinking water, and distribute emergency rations, you can help break the cycle of chronic hunger.
Food & Water Nonprofits You’ll Support
The Food & Water Raizer Index Fund supports Nonprofit organizations that feed the hungry and support sustainable food and water practices across the United States and worldwide. We’ve vetted every nonprofit in the Raizer Index Fund, so you can be certain every dollar of your crypto donation will go to verified nonprofits. When you donate to the Food & Water Raizer Index Fund, each nonprofit will receive an equal portion of your donation.
Save on Your Taxes by Donating Crypto
There’s a reason high net worth individuals tend to donate property instead of cash. Donating cryptocurrency directly to a 501c3 Nonprofit is more tax efficient and can save you money. The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes which means it is typically the most tax efficient way to support your favorite cause. When donating crypto, you receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the crypto, and you avoid the capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the crypto and then made a donation. That means you’re able to donate more, as well as deduct more on your tax return. The difference? Sometimes more than 30%.
Make your donations here